Keeping Up with the Joneses

A glimpse into the busy and very blessed life of the Jones Family!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

4 Months Old!!

Blake Taylor Jones is 4 months old today!

Here he is November 17, 2008- brand new to the world!

All dressed up with nowhere to go... December 17, 2008. (1 month old)

2 months old- weighed in at 13 lbs 3 ounces... he's no lightweight!

3 months old... February 17, 2009 All I can say is chubba bubba!!

4 months old! Not the best picture, but it's what I had.

I cannot believe how fast those 4 months have flown by. He gets more and more fun each day. Here are some of the things he is up to...
*He smiles the greatest smiles when you look at him. He truly has a twinkle in his eyes. He gets that from his daddy and his Mimi.
*He has the sweetest little chuckle when you get him to laugh.
*His little thighs are the fattest, most roly-poly thighs you have ever seen.
*He loves to stand up on your lap and look around.
*He "talks" to you all the time. His coos and little sounds are precious.
*He can be carried on your hip now- he's not so little bitty anymore.
*He's very strong and has been for awhile now.
*Enjoys the Exersaucer now for about 10 minutes at a time.
*We've recently added the doorway jumper into our assortment of activities- he's starting to get the hang of it.
*He loves bathtime and loves to have his diaper changed. He's practically giddy when you are changing him.
*He's very predictable- every 3 hours in the day he eats, then he plays and then he naps. It's very routine and yet he can easily go with the flow.
*He's a champ when we are out and about. He ends up going everywhere we do and does great keeping up with the unexpected.
*He still enjoys the swing and the bouncy seat. I have a feeling those are both slowly becoming things of the past though.
*The activity mat is more and more entertaining now that he is reaching for toys.
*He can roll from his tummy to his back. He's trying to go from back to tummy, but that's typically the harder way to go.
*Loves to be read to. Will look at pictures and watch my face when I am reading to him.
*Absolutely adores Hunter. He woke up crying the other day, and was quickly quiet again. I walked in to find Hunter in his crib with him just talking to him. Blake thinks his big brother is the best!
*Seems to be a Mama's boy- nobody can make him as happy as his mama!!
*Waking up to eat once in the night. Often wakes up at least one other time for the pacifier. Oh no!
*Has traveled more in 4 months than I could have imagined. Has been to Waco 6 or 7 times- I lost count, the lake 2 times, Fort Worth by airplane once, and Austin once. He does great with it all.
*Loves riding in my double jogging stroller.
*Starting to blow rasberries and cough for attention. I love this age!!

Blake really is the sweetest, happiest baby. I am so incredibly blessed!

1 comment:

Spotted-Bird said...

So CUTE!!! I can't believe it has been four months.