Dear Emily Blair,
You are 4 months old today! I simply cannot believe that it's been 4 months since I first met you. In some ways, I feel like I've known you forever and then in other ways, it all seems so new.
What a special day July 2nd, 2010 was. Daddy and I had been in the hospital overnight, eagerly anticipating our last baby. Not knowing boy or girl, we were so excited and so anxious to meet you. When you arrived, it was simply the most incredible feeling to know that you were the completion to our little family (Jones Party of Five). To hear the doctor say, "Well, you have a little girl," and at that moment, my cup overflowed. All of a sudden, we couldn't imagine it being any other way. It was simply perfect that God sent us you- our Emily.
At the doctor's office today, you weighed in at a slight 12 lbs 5.5 oz. That's the 25% in weight. At 2 months you were 10 lbs 3 oz, so you grew a little over 2 pounds. You are 24 1/2 inches long, so you are in the 50% for height. You braved getting 4 shots in your little thighs. Poor baby. It did not seem to disrupt your normal pattern during the day- you seemed just like normal.
Dr. Fitch seems to think you have loose joints. I remember him telling me that Hunter had that too. It can mean that you do gross motor skills (like crawling and walking) later. Hmmm. For some reason, I feel like you have the "Small but Mighty" mantra on your forehead and you will be on the move sooner rather than later. Maybe it's incentive with the boys on the move to get you up and going. I guess we shall see.
You have a clean bill of health and for that we are so thankful. You are still rolling over like crazy so that if we lay you on your back, you flip over in no time. You support yourself great during tummy time, you are enjoying your time in the exersaucer and we are starting the doorway jumper too.
(Ok, Mimi, if you are reading this... Emily looks so much like you in the this picture. Don't you think??)
You watch your brothers intently and are very observant. You want to stand in our laps and want to be carried upright and facing out. Slow down sweet baby girl! Stay my baby for a little longer!
Emily, your smile lights up the room. You squeal with delight and are getting to be so much fun to play with. You love when mommy talks to you funny. You pull your little feet up and grab on with your hands. You think that is pretty great.
You have started to reach for toys and hold onto them for dear life. You are also starting to pull things towards your mouth.
Emily, we feel so blessed to have such a precious, healthy and sweet baby. It's an honor to be your mommy and daddy. We love you,
Mommy and Daddy
I miss not seeing her! I think the last picture looks like Mimi the most.
So precious! Can't get enough of those little kiddos!
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