Keeping Up with the Joneses

A glimpse into the busy and very blessed life of the Jones Family!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Big Blowouts!

As promised, here are the pictures from our celebration for the Big Man around here. Hunter is officially 3 and a half. Do not insult him and ask him if he is 3. Clearly, we are at an age where half makes a BIG difference.

Truly, to think he will be 4 in about 5 1/2 months makes me want to cry. How did nearly 4 years pass so quickly? What does that say about the next 4 and the next 4 after that?? It's not even something I can comprehend.

Anyway, before I get ahead of myself and send him to college tomorrow, here are the pictures.

So that was one big blowout around here. Now for another...
Blake went in about 10 days ago and was diagnosed with a double ear infection. Poor baby boy. Being on antibiotics for a week took a toll on his little system and he let me know it... about 4 times in one day, or in other words, 4 outfits in one day. The reason this has any clout to this story is that here we are at the zoo.

I tried to be a good mommy that doesn't care that "it's so hot that when you open the chapstick you leave in your car and it spills and splatters across your lap like hot candle wax" (really did happen) and actually takes her kids to do an outdoor activity. Seriously though, the heat is so brutal here we are nearly in Stage 3 water restrictions. Stage 2 is bad enough and our plants are taking a beating, along with our once-plush grass that is withering before our eyes in this 100 degree inferno called South Texas.

Can you tell that the heat is on my mind?? Here we are at the zoo at the walk in beach area- ok, I cheated and we did the water stuff. But this is basically moments before I realized Blake had just had the 2nd blowout of the day all over everywhere- hence, time to go, fun is over.

Friday, we had a great time playing with some buddies. Here's Blakey and Lukey, or Blake and Luke as they will probably insist on being called down the road. Sweet boys just having a good time.

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