Keeping Up with the Joneses

A glimpse into the busy and very blessed life of the Jones Family!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer evenings

One of my favorite times of the day during the summertime is the early evening. It's finally a little cooler, or at least the sun isn't beating down on you quite as intensely. It's a fun time to be outside. As a kid, I have many memories of family walks, playing out in the yard, swinging on the swing set, riding bikes, and just being outside.

The other evening, Chris had something he had to go to, so I had the kids by myself. Both Emily and Blake had crashed in the late afternoon, waking up to eat dinner. This can be a disaster in our house with bedtime- they will end up not being tired when its time to go to sleep.

So, after dinner, we put tennis shoes on and the kids each chose a riding toy to take down the street to the playground. Hunter rode his electric scooter, and Blake and Emily rode together in the Escalade.

I wish I had had my phone that night as we scooted and drove down the street. The kids were so cute zipping along with me power walking alongside.

We got to the Woodridge playground and everyone wanted to drive around the track. We spent the next hour hopping from one playground to the other, pushing kids on the swings, playing with a little puppy that some kids had brought, and having the best time.

By the time we ventured home, the battery on the two-seater Eacalade was in its last leg and I was helping them along.

Hot, sweaty and tired kids were all too happy to crawl info bed after a good bath. It's these simple, everyday little tidbits that I know I will miss so much!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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