Keeping Up with the Joneses

A glimpse into the busy and very blessed life of the Jones Family!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blake is 5!!

Our sweet Blaker-boo is 5 years old! How in the world can that be?

Seems like just yesterday we were anticipating his arrival day. He came in the midst of a stressful time- when Chris' mom was truly in the most dire circumstances. Chris had left only 3 days before our scheduled induction day to be by his mom's side as she underwent a very precarious heart surgery. She had been in a medically induced coma for 2 weeks at that point and the prognosis at that time was not very positive.

But on the joyous day of November 17, 2008, a precious baby boy arrived into our lives- a true "joy-bringer." And he continues to do that to this day- bring great joy to everyone who encounters him. It's such a gift to have him as our little boy!

We celebrated in true Blake form a few weeks ago. He had a joint party with Luke and we took  3 of their buddies to the AH football game. It was Blake and Luke's 3rd year to have a joint celebration. How could Cari and I have known that these two would be as inseperable as we dreamed?! Born 9 days apart, these two haven't known life without their best bud. It's been truly the greatest joy to watch them grow up and remain so close. I pray they always are.

At 5 years old, Blake is into dressing up. He is always in costume of some sort. It might be Spider Man one minute and a football player the next. He loves to go out in the back yard in full football regalia and play a one man game. He wears the helmet, jersey, padded football pants and has me tape in the shoulder pads. He has to be very authentic. So far we have TCU, UT, A&M and the AH Mules covered. We need a Baylor one!! (hint hint to the grandparents for Christmas!)

He and Emily are the best of buds and play so well together. In fact, our house is in constant upheaval due to their antics. There is a fort in one room, a picnic in the other, etc. I love to hear them playing together and watching them go along with each other's ideas. It's really the sweetest thing!

Blake can ride without training wheels. He decided a few months ago to try and worked on it one afternoon and mastered it in no time.

We also finally mastered spelling his name and writing it too! Big deal for Blake as learning letters has been especially hard for him.

He loves school- especially half days because he doesn't have to nap on those days!

Funny Blake story as of late.....

**Nancy told me that at school, Blake was running out to the playground one day and in his deep, raspy voice said, "Hey Luke, can we play somethin' not dirty today? My mom doesn't want me to get my shirt dirty." He was wearing a white button-up fishing shirt that day and Nancy said he spent all day tucking it in over and over. (For the record- I never asked him to keep it clean.) To hear her retell this is hilarious!

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