Keeping Up with the Joneses

A glimpse into the busy and very blessed life of the Jones Family!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Things worth remembering

Today was the first day of school for Hunter. It's always a little bittersweet saying goodbye to summer and hello to the structure of school days, early morning wake ups, packing lunches and checking backpacks. I relish these early years of little homework and still lots of after school playtime. I know it will not always be this simple. And yet it's already shaping up to be a busy fall. Hunter has been in full swing soccer mode for the last 3 weeks- twice a week practices. Blake is gearing up to start his season soon. Fall ball registrations are out. Emily starts her first gymnastics class this week....I think I'm ready for a vacation!

We baked the annual First Day of School cake- shaped like a 2 this year. We took the annual First Day picture in front of the fireplace like we have done since he was 2 1/2 and headed to preschool. We prayed over his day- praying God would be ever near and that he would be a friend to all.

His report on the walk home was that today was a 10 out of 10- I call that a win!

So now, as mom's do, I am lying awake in Blake's bed. The last 2 hours he's been dealing with the dreaded tummy bug. Ick. I thought the statute of limitations was good on this- Hunter had it nearly a week ago and was only sick one time with it. Poor little Blake hasn't been so lucky.

So here we are, one day down, stricken with a bug. As if the emotional exhaustion from the first day wasn't enough, now I get to add a half nights sleep loss to it. Oh well- it's nights like this my baby boy needs his mommy.

On a separate note, I have loved watching the friendship between Blake and Emily over this summer. I describe them as a little old married couple- one minute they are as compatible and agreeable as ever and the next they are on each others last nerve. They are funny to watch- they are out riding bikes, pushing strollers, having picnics, running and claiming, exploring, and just in full-fledged imagination with each other. I love it!

Blake taught himself to ride a bike without training wheels within the last week or so. It's incredible. He just told me one day he was going to try and the next thing I know, he's out back riding around like a pro!

He also just got over a staph infection in his left ear that spread to a rash all over his neck, tummy and legs. Bless his sweet little heart! He was a total pro getting his ear cleaned out at Dr. Moe's.

E had her 3 year check up- all is well and healthy. She's 50% in weight and 60% in height. She's a healthy girl!

Her newest obsession is The Little Mermaid- she sings like Ariel all the time and knows all of the words to the songs. Here she is in my tub acting like Ariel!

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