Chris loaded the boys up merely minutes after the last bell rang on Hunter's last day of kindergarten and headed to Waco for a golf tournament. The boys had fun time with the grandparents and even a trip up to Fort Worth to see their cousins, watch some baseball and swim. They were in heaven!
In the meantime, Emily and I were not to be outdone, so we headed up to Austin to have a fun time with Kristin. We stopped at the San Marcos outlets on the way and did a little shopping- she is really a treat to do those types of things with. She will pick things up and say, "cute, cute."

We had a fun dinner at Matt's El Rancho and then went back, snuggled up in K's bed and caught up on girly shows....aka Pregnant in Heels.

The next morning we got up and walked the trail around Town Lake, took Em to Zilker Park to ride the train and then out to lunch at Galaxy Cafe- fun day.

Once the boys were home the next day, we hit the ground running. I had stayed in town because of an event I had helped to plan at church so we all went and played and enjoyed an afternoon with friends before our busy week started.

On Monday, Hunter loaded the bus to T Bar M for a week of day camp. He had a great time and on the last day his counselors praised his friendliness to other campers saying he was a friend to all. Awesome job sweet boy!

I was busy rehearsing for VBS chapel that week and so the days were fast and furious. Blake also took his first week of swim lessons and did great!

The second week of summer was VBS- we had a blast! I loved leading chapel again this year with my bestie.

The week left us wiped out so Saturday we ventured out to ride bikes and walk the SA river. The kids had a blast and we even saw this creature..... Yuck!

So now, I'm looking forward to a low-key and restful week of summer....if that's possible with this around the corner.....

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